The Smartest Man That I Know

2012 May 18

Created by Adrian 12 years ago
Words cannot adequately express how I will miss you Tab. As cousins we were the same age, same temperment, and cut from the same sports and political cloth....though I could never dig on the Ron Paul fascination. You often told me how much you envied my family life, but I never thought to tell you how proud I was to have such a kind and thoughtful friend. I envied your motivation and hunger to succeed at everything. Dude you never quit. You had one speed and it was always set toward success. Cuz, your intelligence and thought processes would simply blow me away at times. From your speed reading and financial/business acumen, to your sports and political savvy, there was little you had not experienced and mastered. As a Wolfpacker I will never accept your love of UNC or the Seminoles, but that's okay. We certainly shared everything else in common. We WILL talk again one day....and when we do I will have some choice words for you. But until then rest peacefully my brother.... A