My Earliest Memory

2012 May 20

Created by Adrian 11 years ago
I was about 9 or 10 when my Aunt Lola visited us in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Lola had a big family and I did not. It was cool having so many of my cousins at the house, most of whom I had met for the first time. However, all I really remember about the visit though was Tab. We played in the back yard as boys do. For whatever reason Tab's love of baseball has stuck with me for almost 40 years. As a youth I did not like baseball. Today, I only tolerate it. However, on that one day sometime around 1976 or so I became an expert on three things: César Gerónimo, Joe Morgan and the Cincinnati Reds. That was ALL that I heard that day over and over and over again. To this day whenever I hear those names I smile... because that's about all that I know about baseball.